ACID Cover Reveal and Giveaway!
Today at Pub Crawl we're super excited to welcome author Emma Pass (and a special guest!) to unveil the US cover of her novel ACID. To help kick off celebrations, Emma will be giving away an autographed ARC of ACID!
Now, since we know you'll only scroll down anyway (and we don't blame you), here's the goods (you can click to see it in all its ginormous glory):

That there is Jenna Strong, and she's ready to kick some serious butt. JUST LOOK AT HER. But what's the story behind that amazing cover, you ask? Whose butt does Jenna wish to kick? Your wariness is well-advised, dear reader.
We could just give you some regular old cover copy, but when we asked Emma what the story was about, she went one better—she pulled in her protagonist, Jenna, to tell us more.
Hi, um...
Jenna. My name's Jenna. Strong.
Nice to meet you, Jenna.
Yeah, yeah. So. Can you tell me what's going on?
What do you mean, what's going on?
Don't give me that. You must know something. I was supposed to be in jail for the rest of my life. And now I've been broken out and given a new face and a new name and no-one will tell me why. They won't even tell me who they are.
The people who got me out. They won't tell me anything. I'm sick of it. I'm climbing the walls in this place. I already tried to escape once, but they're watching me all the time. They're worse than bloody ACID.
Who—who are ACID?
Don't tell me you don't know who ACID are!
I—I've never heard of them.
Where are you from, the past or something? ACID—the Agency for Crime Investigation and Defence. AKA the most sinister police force in history. They've been in charge of the Independent Republic of Britain forever. They watch everyone and everything. They even tell you who you can marry and where you can work.
That sounds awful. Like 1984 or something.
What's 1984?
It's a book.
A book? Oh, we don't have those any more. ACID banned them. We have e-Fics instead—all ACID approved, of course.
Wow. That's crazy. Um, you said you were in jail. Did ACID put you there?
You don't know?
I murdered two people. My parents. That's what ACID say, anyway.
What do you mean?
I can't remember it properly. Everything that happened that night—it's all mixed up. I was 15—my whole life ahead of me. And then I killed them, and got sent to that hellhole. D'you know I was the only girl there?
The only girl? How did you survive?
I toughened myself up. Fast. But what do you care, anyway? If you can't help me work out what's going on here, there's no point in you hanging around. You'd better go.
OK, Jenna. Thanks for talking to me. And, um, good luck.
Thanks. I'm gonna need it, I think.
Intrigued? We don't blame you! And today you have a chance to win an autographed ARC of ACID (US only). Use the form below to enter, and leave us a comment telling us whether you'd sink or swim under ACID's regime! (Me, I would totally sink. I like my luxuries waaaay too much to be a kickass fighter like Jenna!)
EMMA PASS has been making up stories for as long as she can remember. Her debut novel, ACID, is out on 11 March 2014 from Delacorte, and will be followed by another stand-alone thriller for young adults, The Fearless, in 2015. She lives in the UK with her husband and crazy greyhound G-Dog. Visit her website and her blog, find her on Facebook and follow her on Twitter.