Writing and Editing Workspaces!
About three months ago, I had a life change. I left my job at Grosset & Dunlap at Penguin to become an Editor at Egmont USA. It was a very exciting move for me, if a bit scary. Grosset had been my first publishing job and my first "real job" out of college. I had a ton of memories there and it felt like my second home.
When I arrived at Egmont in December, I was thrilled to begin working on a new list and with a new team, but I realized something was missing. Now, this may sound crazy, but hear me out.
My desk at Grosset had been very lived over the course of my five years there, I had acquired numerous action figures, plush toys, photos, and trinkets from my authors. When I got home from my first day at Egmont, I knew I needed to bring in the little things that would make my desk feel like "home" again. What are those things?
Well, my Benjamin Linus bobblehead, of course.

And my paper machete, inspired by an amazing typo written by one of authors (attempting to spell papier mâché) and what I use on particularly intense edits!

At last, my workspace was complete!

My journey to complete my new workspace made me wonder where all of the other Pub(lishing) Crawl members do their work. Here's a sneak peek at where they write/agent/and sell their books!
Erin Bowman's amazing workspace
Susan Dennard's desk
Julie Eshbaugh's writing space
JJ's workspace
Amie Kaufman - I usually work in my study, but I love to move around as well -- this is the view of my writing spot at one of my favourite bars in Melbourne, where I can sit right on the river and watch the world go by!
Biljana Likic's workspace
Jodi Meadows - You might think there's a lot of yarn on this desk. You'd be right. You're probably also overlooking some. There's more than you think. No, another one besides those.
E.C. Myers - Basically, I write 95% of the time on my netbook, even when I'm at home, and I mostly use my larger laptop and keyboard for other work — graphics, video editing, e-mail — and blogging. I work best outside of my apartment.
Adam Silvera's desk at work
Adam Silvera's workspace for writing
Joanna Volpe's desk
Joanna Volpe's bookshelf
Kat Zhang - Here's where I'm writing right now (local B&N). Only add in half a dozen toddlers running around.
The Pub(lishing) Crawl team is a great example of how everyone has a different place where they work. What makes your workspace unique and special to you?