What We're Thankful For
Although Thanksgiving was yesterday here in the United States, we PubCrawlers figured it was never too late to be thankful for our blessings and privileges. Without further ado:
S. Jae-Jones (JJ)

I'm thankful for my Skullcandy Aviator headphones because not only do they look good, they tune out everything around me so I can concentrate on writing.
Kelly Van Sant

I'm thankful for my local library branch!
Hannah Ferguson

I am thankful for my nerdy writing group. We are self named The Fellowship and when we aren't writing, we're drinking wine and talking about it. I daresay they've saved my sanity on more than one occasion.
Rachel Seigel

I'm thankful to have a job that I enjoy, and that gives me the opportunity to read amazing books & get paid to sell them!
Julie Eshbaugh

I'm thankful for my online writing friends. Because of them I never feel like I'm toiling alone.
Kat Zhang

I'm thankful for my writing friends, too!
Stephanie Garber

I am thankful for every single thing that has happened this year and for all of the new people who have come into my life. :)
Stacey Lee

I'm thankful for this post so I can say how thankful I am to join Pubcrawl this year. I'm also thankful for my parents, who are still vibrant (even though Dad's 81) and I'm also thankful for friends and emojis.?
E. C. Myers

I'm thankful to have a family that supports my writing goals and helps me keep my love of telling stories a priority even when life gets busy, demanding, and stressful.
Jodi Meadows

I'm thankful for so many amazing books to read.
And we are all, of course, thankful for each and every one of our readers. <3