<em>These Broken Stars</em> Dress Tour!
So These Broken Stars by the lovely Meagan Spooner and our very own Amie Kaufman (eee!) comes out in mere days. Can you guys believe it? After all this waiting and the growing insanity that is the These Broken Stars buzz machine, this awesome sci-fi (think Titanic meets Battlestar Gallactica season 3) will finally be in stores!
To celebrate the book's fast-approaching launch, Meg and Amie decided to send the dress featured on the book's stunning cover (glance to the right to see said dress) to a handful of friends and let us all goof off as we saw fit. Basically, we have become a sisterhood of the traveling dress—and seriously, this dress has traveled across the entire US! HOW COOL, right?
Monday, Marie Lu shared her goofy pic of the dress enjoying some...Christmas shopping perhaps? (I'm as confused as you, Marie!)
Tuesday, Diana Peterfruend got whimsical and story-themed with the dress as she traipsed through a beautiful autumn forest. (Diana: I envy your current lack of snow. Come tell my climate to stop snowing all day long.)
Wednesday, Leigh Bardugo told the dress to shut up during a movie. Darn precocious dress!
Thursday...oh wait! That's me!! It's my turn to share to my goofy photo, and so without further ado, I offer up the next great science fiction classic:
These Broken Lightbulbs

What do you think? Is These Broken Lightbulbs guaranteed to be a bestseller or what?
Okay, okay...so maybe it isn't gonna hit any lists, but These Broken Stars just might! And to celebrate the book's release and dress's fabulous tour, I'm giving away a copy of the hardcover + book cover poster! All you have to do is leave a comment displaying your level of excitement for this series (is your anticipation as explosive as ours?) and fill out the Rafflecopter form below. Then in a week, we'll pick a winner!
Oh, and don't miss the pre-order offer for a poster of the These Broken Stars cover! You can learn more about the campaign here.

AMIE KAUFMAN and MEAGAN SPOONER are longtime friends and sometime flatmates who have traveled the world (but not yet the galaxy), covering every continent between them. They are sure outer space is only a matter of time. Meagan, who is also the author of the Skylark trilogy, currently lives in Asheville, NC, while Amie lives in Melbourne, Australia. Although they currently live apart, they are united by their love of space opera, road trips, and second breakfasts.
Visit the These Broken Stars website for the latest news on the series and follow the authors on Twitter at @AmieKaufman and @MeaganSpooner. You may also sign up for their newsletter as well! These Broken Stars will be available in North America on December 10, 2013.