September 2013 Releases

Vanessa Di Gregorio

September marks the end of summer (nooo!), and the start of school for many. But on the plus side, it's also a very big month for new books! And know what's even better? Two of our own have releases this month: Kat's ONCE WE WERE, and Jodi's e-novella PHOENIX OVERTURE! EEEE! Anyways, let's just get right to it, shall we? Here are the September MG & YA releases I'm excited about! If I missed any (and I know I missed a lot, because otherwise this list would be MASSIVE), yell at me in the comments!
September 3
THE COLDEST GIRL IN COLDTOWN by Holly Black (YA Paranormal) PHOENIX OVERTURE (e-book novella) by PC's own Jodi Meadows (YA Fantasy/Science Fiction) ALL OUR YESTERDAYS by Cristin Terrill (YA Dystopia)
THE 100 by Kass Morgan (YA Science Fiction) THE TRANSFER (e-book novella) by Veronica Roth (YA Dystopia) SCORCHED by Mari Mancusi (YA Fantasy)
September 8
THE TRUTH ABOUT YOU AND ME by PC alum Amanda Grace aka Mandy Hubbard (YA Contemporary)
September 10
FANGIRL by Rainbow Rowell (YA Contemporary) MORE THAN THIS by Patrick Ness (YA Dystopia) FINAL DESCENT by Rick Yancey (YA Horror)
MONSTERS by Ilsa J. Bick (YA Horror) ANTIGODDESS by Kendare Blake (YA Paranormal)
September 17
ONCE WE WERE by PC's very own Kat Zhang (YA Science Fiction) THE DREAM THIEVES by Maggie Stiefvater (YA Paranormal) FORTUNATELY, THE MILK by Neil Gaiman (MG Fantasy)
THE BURNING SKY by Sherry Thomas (YA Fantasy) 3:59 by Gretchen McNeil (YA Paranormal) THIS SONG WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE by Leila Sales (YA Contemporary)
September 24
UNTOLD by Sarah Rees Brennan (YA Paranormal) STEELHEART by Brandon Sanderson (YA Fantasy)
BATTLE MAGIC by Tamora Pierce (YA Fantasy) INHUMAN by Kat Falls (YA Dystopia)
NOT A DROP TO DRINK by Mindy McGinnis (YA Dystopia) FIND ME by Romily Bernard (YA Mystery) THE FALLOUT by S.A. Bodeen (YA Dystopia)
September 26
SHADOWS by Robin McKinley (YA Fantasy) ATLANTIS RISING by T.A. Barron (MG Fantasy) THE FALCONER by Elizabeth May (YA Steampunk)
If I missed any you're excited about, let us know in the comments - and add them to my Goodreads September YA & MG Releases list.
Vanessa Di Gregorio works in publishing as a sales rep at Ampersand, a book and gift sales agency. She is also a former literary agency intern. When she isn't out selling books and talking to bookstores, Vanessa can be found over at Something Geeky, Goodreads, Twitter, or writing for Paper Droids.