Question of the Month: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin?
Welcome to Question of the Month, where one question is asked to the entire Pub Crawl group :) This month's question is:
If your main character(s) were wizards and witches in the Harry Potter world, what House(s) would they be sorted into?
Here are our answers!
Kat Zhang

Let's see. My main characters are Eva and Addie, and since they share a body and all, it would be quite difficult to sort them into different houses! But their personalities are quite different, so I guess Hogwarts would have to figure it out... (they've dealt with ghosts and centaurs and mermaids...I'm sure they can handle a girl with two souls!)
Eva would be a Hufflepuff, I think, haha. Poor left-out Hufflepuffs. My idea of their house is probably more fan-formed than canon (all I can think about right now is "HUFFLEPUFFS ARE GOOD FINDERS!"), but I always thought of them as being resilient and caring. They tend to put other people ahead of themselves, are very loyal, and are honest and friendly. That all describes Eva. Plus, she's a pretty good finder ;P
Addie's harder to place. In the end, though, I think I'd have to put her in Ravenclaw. She does have a great love for wit :)
Sarah J. Maas

I think it'd be a toss-up between Gryffindor and Slytherin for Celaena. She's brave and DEFINITELY has a lot of nerve, and, despite being an assassin, genuinely cares for others. BUT she's also cunning, resourceful, and a born leader (and more than a bit vain). She might find Gryffindor to be a little too goody-goody for her, but might be a bit too noble for Slytherin. If I HAD to pick, then she'd probably wind up in Gryffindor—and probably cause a hell of a lot of trouble. ;)
Susan Dennard

My first reaction was, Eleanor is totally RAVENCLAW!
But then I thought about it and realized that no...I'm the one who's Ravenclaw—not my heroine. Eleanor, I've decided, is a Gryffindor. Through and through, in fact. Brave? Check. Heroic? Check. Reckless? Absolutely. Arrogant? At times (particularly in book two, when she becomes something of a know-it-all). Plus, she'd look fabulous in the gold and red house colors. ;)
Erin Bowman

While Gray definitely possesses a few Slytherin traits, I think he's a classic Gryffindor: brave to the point of recklessness, willing to engage in questionable or pointless heroics, unable to adhere to the rules. (I'm pretty sure Snape would hate him with a fiery passion.) Gray's brother, on the other hand, is a Hufflepuff through and through: loyal, patient, and fair. I think it's a good thing the two didn't go to Hogwarts. They don't do well being separated from each other.
Jodi Meadows

This has taken me forever to figure out. I'm really not sure about Ana. I can see her being in Gryffindor or Ravenclaw because she's brave and firmly believes in right and wrong, but she's very into learning things, too.
Sam is Hufflepuff, no doubt. He's very hard-working and patient and loyal.
Amie Kaufman

Outsiders would immediately pick Tarver for a Gryffindor—he's brave, strong and daring, a decorated war hero. My co-author Meagan Spooner and I know better, though! To us, Tarver's a Ravenclaw—the son of a poet and a poet himself, he's more quietly intelligent and creative than most people give him credit for.
As for Lilac, well, outsiders would pick Lilac for a Slytherin, because she's vain, concerned about social class (as close as we can get to blood purity in our world) and cunning as anything. The Sorting Hat sees what's in your heart, though... we'd be giving away too much if we told you where she really belonged!
Marie Lu

Day (my main boy protagonist) is Legend's Most Wanted Criminal and a bit of a flirt on the side. He would totally be Gryffindor, through and through. He's such a troublemaker—being an official criminal and all—but with a good heart, and he's nothing if not bold. June (my main girl protagonist) is a prodigy detective and logical to a fault. She's a Ravenclaw, although I can actually see hints of Slytherin in her since she does value ambition, cunning, and resourcefulness. She'd probably also get into a lot of arguments with Hermione.
Now we're curious...where would your main character(s) be sorted if they attended Hogwarts?
And to finish off our Friday with a blast, there's an amazing April giveaway of Unraveling by Elizabeth Norris! Check it out—the contest ends April 20th!