Introducing Kat, Julie, and Vahini!
Hi everyone! Hope you guys have all enjoyed getting to know our newest additions. Now that we've introduced them all, we're doing a quick series of mini-introductions of our older members in case new readers don't know them so well. And as always, there's a giveaway at the end!
Kat Zhang

KAT ZHANG is an avid traveler, and after a childhood spent living in one book after another, she now builds stories for other people to visit. An English major at Vanderbilt University, she spends her free time performing Spoken Word poetry, raiding local bookstores, and plotting where to travel next. What’s Left of Me–about a girl with two souls–is her first novel and will be released by HarperCollins on 9/18/2012. She is represented by Emmanuelle Morgen of Stonesong. You can read about her travels, literary and otherwise, on her website or check her out on Twitter.
What's Left of Me
(Summary from HarperCollins UK. See HERE for US summary.)
Eva and Addie live in a world where everyone is born with two souls, but where only the dominant one is allowed to survive childhood. Fifteen years old, and closer even than twins, the girls are keeping Eva, the "second soul", a secret. They know that it’s forbidden to be hybrid, but how could they ever be apart?
When a dramatic event reveals what really happens to hybrids if they are discovered, Eva and Addie face a dangerous fight for survival, neither wanting to be the one left behind...
1. What was the biggest challenge in writing What's Left of Me?
The dual nature of the characters in What's Left of Me was definitely a challenge—it's not often that one has to struggle with correct pronoun use and such for a body inhabited by two people! Also, it took a lot of brainstorming to figure out how this phenomenon might work in a "real" world, and how the two souls would feel about one another and their body as a whole. These considerations meant that even some of the most mundane scenes took a lot of thinking through!
2. Mix me a literary cocktail! What elements would you include in your ideal book (i.e. 2 parts fantasy, 1 shot romance, and a twist of mystery!)
Hmm...Let's see:
2 parts fabulous characters 1 part heart-pounding action 1 part romance A shot of snark and wit An infusion of beautiful, powerful writing< garnish with a lovely cover
3. There's a creeper at the pub! What book are you reading to avoid him?
The Perks of Being a Wallflower ;P
Julie Eshbaugh

JULIE ESHBAUGH used to have trouble staying in one spot. Having lived in places as varied as Utah, France, and New York City, Julie eventually returned home to the Philadelphia area where she now lives with her husband, son, cat and dog. Early on, Julie focused her artistic energies on filmmaking and online video. She made two short films and then spent several years producing an online video series for teens which received several honors from the Webbie Awards. Creating videos for teens led to writing novels for teens, and Julie has never looked back. You can find Julie on her personal blog, add her on Goodreads, and follow her on Twitter.
1. What's a typical writing day for you?
I try to write every day (emphasis on try!) If it's a day during the work week, I'll write when I come home from my day job. I carry a handheld recorder with me at all times, and I dictate ideas during the day so in the evening I do a lot of transcribing. If it's the weekend, I'll write a little bit in the morning, a little in the afternoon, a little in the evening, trying to work all my other obligations (like laundry, running errands...) into the breaks. I like to work with my laptop on a corner of the couch, but I often find myself retreating to the bedroom when I need to withdraw from all distractions.
2. Mix me a literary cocktail! What elements would you include in your ideal book?
I would say that my personal ideal book would contain 33% romance (I'm a sucker for a love story!) 33% action and suspense (I love to fear for my characters!) and 33% awesome world-building (I love to get lost in the world of a book, whether it's fantasy/sci-fi, historical, or just a very convincing back-drop for a contemporary.)
3. What would YOU name your literary pub?
I think I would name it the Ink Drinker, since that's how I feel when I'm reading a really great book... Gotta drink it in!
Vahini Naidoo

In addition to writing VAHINI NAIDOO has held several other glamorous jobs such as English tutor, bakery assistant, and check out chick. An Australian, Vahini graduated high school at the end of last year, shortly before getting a book deal and turning eighteen. She is now a freshman at the University of Sydney, pursuing a degree in the ever-so-practical Arts.
Fall to Pieces
Seventeen-year-old Ella Logan knows that Mark and Petal are lying about the night their friend, Amy killed herself. But Ella won’t let them bury the truth along with Amy’s body—she’ll do anything to unearth what they’re so desperate to keep secret. Even if it means a fake friendship with a new boy, who reeks of gunpowder and treachery. Even if it means throwing herself off bridges and into the face of deadly questions. Was Amy’s death really a suicide?
1. When you started writing Fall to Pieces, what was the inspiration behind it? A dream? A musical clip? Plain, old-fashioned brainstorming?
The inspiration behind Fall to Pieces is a bit of a strange mix. A teen diary contest, listening to Oasis’ "Champagne Supernova" on repeat, and the presence of a very shiny and pretty garden gnome in my bedroom all conspired to seed the original idea.
2. If you could spend the night at a pub with any 3 authors, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
Christopher Marlowe, because I would like to discuss how he managed to be so hilariously witty and dirty in his writing at the same time. Also, because I would like him to introduce me to underworld mafia types and aristocrats at the same time (provided this is not the night where Marlowe’s getting his eye stabbed out and all. Ahem).
Oscar Wilde, because...It’s Oscar Wilde! Nothing would amuse me more than having him beside me making ironic comments and occasionally wandering off to corrupt some youth.
And last, but not least, Jane Austen, for the sheer irony of meeting with Jane Austen in a pub. She is definitely the author I would most love to shout shots for. Many, many shots—because seriously, who doesn’t want to hang out with a drunk Austen?
3. Pub Brawl!!!!! What weapon are you wielding?
A very sharp tongue.
To celebrate our REINTRODUCTIONS (yippee!), we're giving away an ARC of the highly anticipated YA post-apocalyptic: Kristen Simmons' Article 5 and a copy of Catherynne M. Valente's The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making.
And be sure to check back tomorrow for our final round of reintroductions and another giveaway. Plus—if you haven't already—be sure to enter in all the other giveaways still running!
Make sure to check back tomorrow for interviews with returning members Mandy Hubbard, Savannah J. Foley, Biljana Likic, and Sammy Bina—plus another giveaway!