Happy book birthday to <em>Champion</em>!
IT'S HERE! It's here! It's finally here!
I'm going to give you all a moment. Deep breathing, guys. Don't freak out. Visualise. Imagine you are holding the book in your hands. Your wait is over. It's going to be okay. You lasted, and now you have your reward!
We here at Pub Crawl number amongst the super talented Marie Lu's very, very many fans, and we're SO excited to welcome CHAMPION into the world! Congratulations, Marie!
Trilogy achievement: unlocked!
It's beenĀ such a journey with Day and June -- and the host of incredible characters Marie's brought to life -- that there's something bittersweet about it all ending. But I, for one, can't wait to dive into this story!
For those of you impatiently watching the mailbox, or camped in tents outside your local bookshop, I give you Five Awesome True Facts About Champion, to help pass the time. What's that? No really, it's my pleasure. We're all in this together, I'll do whatever I can.
Here we go:
FACT ONE: Champion won a game of chess against the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Twice.
FACT TWO: Champion's spine is capable of bearing a fifteen tonne load.
FACT THREE: Reading Champion cures influenza.
FACT FOUR: The ink on Champion's pages will give you telepathy.[1. Do not lick Champion's pages.]
FACT FIVE: When Champion's pages are turned, the page is actually staying still, and the rest of reality is shifting.
To celebrate the release of CHAMPION, we're offering one lucky reader the opportunity to go back to where it all began, and win a copy of LEGEND. To enter, share your own amazing CHAMPION fact in the comments!