Coverlust: Recent Discoveries
Hey everyone! Welcome to another Coverlust! :) I've got some really gorgeous covers for you guys today, most of which are recently released. Let me know which is your favorite and what covers you've recently come across that have stuck in your mind.
First up is Origin by Jessica Khoury. I really love how simple yet powerful this cover is with the white outline cut into the luscious rainforest. Plus, it's different from the average YA covers we're seeing nowadays, and that's always a neat bonus.
The title placement is awesome, as are the colors. This is definitely a cover to love! :D

I really love the color scheme on the cover for Lisa Burstein's Pretty Amy, too. The baby blue of the model's dress and the title stand in start contrast with the grittier stone (prison?) background. I'm a big fan of unique title treatments, so I adore how "Pretty Amy" looks like it's in a "handwriting" font and is all chalk-y, as if graffitied onto the wall.
The wistful/contemplative look on the model's face is great, too. It pulls me in and makes me wonder what her story is.
Finally, I just kind of love her dress ;)

The cover for Splintered by A.G. Howard is so vibrant and awesome. I love the luscious colors, the rich reds and greens! Plus the model's expression is so wonderful—a little bit creepy, very much intense. I love, love how the foliage is grabbing onto her hair. Flowers and insects play an important role in the book, so I'm glad to see them gracing the cover, as well!

Seraphina, by Rachel Hartman, has a cover that's definitely different from the others I've included today--instead of bright colors, it's gone for more of a monotoned graphite-drawing look. As someone who grew up seeing a lot more illustrated novels, though, I rather like it. It sets a nice tone for the story inside, I think. I haven't actually read Seraphina yet, but this cover takes me right into medieval-esque setting and readies me for magic :)

What do you guys think? Any covers you've been lusting after recently?