Cover Reveal for ONCE WE WERE by Kat Zhang!
I love the What's Left of Me cover. I love the relative simplicity of it, the colors of it, the crazy-awesome optical illusion-y aspect of it. So I waited for the Once We Were cover with crossed fingers and high hopes, and the lovely people at HarperTeen delivered. They totally and completely delivered. So, without further ado...
Here it is!

Do you love it as much as I do?? I don’t think that’s entirely possible, actually ;) Continuing the trend of my getting notice of my covers while Not At the Computer, I got the email with this cover while grocery shopping and might have frightened the guy stacking the bananas when I said OMG IT’S SO PRETTY apropos of nothing. Here's What's Left of Me and Once We Were side by side :D [twocol_one]

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[/twocol_one_last] What's Left of Me had a face and the silhouette of another one, perfectly portraying the dynamic between Addie and Eva. (funnily enough, I’ve had a lot of people ask me if I think Eva is the face looking outward, or the profile. I suppose either makes sense, right?) Once We Were works on SO many levels, some of which won’t make total sense until you read the book. We’ve still got the face, of course. And now we’ve got TWO silhouettes, which are opposed to each other, and they fit together to frame the face in a way that seems, to me, like a fragment of something...or possibly like someone is trying to rip their way out of the cover. I’m probably over-thinking things ;) Awesome cover. Love it to bits. [hr] In celebration of another Hybrid Chronicles cover, I'm giving away:
an ARC of Once We Were
a hardcover of What's Left of Me
Whoever wins the Rafflecopter can pick what they want :) I can't wait to share this book with you guys, but in the mean time, I'm glad to be able to parade the cover around! What do you think? a Rafflecopter giveaway