All in One Gulp: Books that Kept Us Reading!

Rachel Seigel

No matter what your reading habits are like, we've all had at least one book that we just couldn't put down. It's the book that no matter where you were, or what else you needed to do that day (including sleep), it all went on the back-burner because it was that good that you had to finish it!
All of us at Pubcrawl know about books like that,(and that's not even counting the ones written by our members) and we thought we'd share some of them with you!
Rachel Seigel: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, J.K. Rowling

Since I have always been the type of reader to devour a book, it was hard to narrow it down to just one. There have been many books that I've ended up reading in a single sitting, but one that I particularly remember losing a day to was Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I took the book with me to a park on a beautiful summer afternoon, thinking I'd read outside for a couple of hours. By about 100 pages in, I was so completely engrossed in the book, I hardly noticed that the sun had disappeared behind the trees, and that it had gotten quite chilly out. I was cold, and getting colder by the minute, but I wasn't going anywhere until I finished that book and found out how it ended!
Susan Dennard: Ashes, Isla J. Dick

Ilsa Bick's Ashes was a one-sitting read for me. It had everything I like in a book: a really tough heroine, a slow, natural romance, a ton of action, and a fantastic premise. The zombies were SO deliciously terrifying, and Tom--oh Tom! I sat down to read the book right after lunch, thinking I'd just read a few pages... Fast forward to hours later with the sun long gone: I was in the exact same spot on the couch with a hideous need to use the bathroom...that I didn't even notice until I hit "The End".
Joanna Volpe: A Midsummer's Nightmare, Kody Keplinger

She loves Kody Keplinger's A Midsummer's Nightmare, and reads it in one sitting every time she picks it up. (And Joanna assures us there's no professional bias!)
Sarah Jae-Jones: Froi of the Exiles, Melina Marchetta

For me, it's Froi of the Exiles by Melina Marchetta. This is the sequel to the totally amazing and equally unputdownable Finnikin of the Rock, and is totally complex and intense.
Kat Zhang: A Game of Thrones, George R.R. Martin

So, I read Game of Thrones in one night. Started around 7pm and read until I was finished :P To be fair, I might not have slept particularly well that night anyway, but the book definitely keep me enthralled!
Jodi Meadows:Â If I Stay, Gayle Forman

I started reading it on the car on the way home from the bookstore (I was not driving) and could not be separated from the book for anything!
Marie Lu: Ready Player One, Ernest Cline

When I needed to head out of the house and forgot to bring the book with me, I bought the ebook version too so that I could keep reading in the car. And proceeded to make myself thoroughly carsick. Totally worth it, though.
Erin Bowman: Lola and the Boy Next Door, Stephanie Perkins

I absolutely devoured Lola and the Boy Next Door. I took it outside one afternoon to read a chapter or two, and hours later I was done. Stephanie Perkins writes such sweet, charming YA contemps. This book left me in a state of giddy happiness.
Julie Eshbaugh: Mockingjay, Suzanne Collins

For me, it was Suzanne Collins's Mockingjay. I had just had surgery to repair a badly broken leg and I was not allowed to get off the couch! Fortunately, on the day the book released my husband came home at lunch and picked up my pre-ordered copy at Borders. I started reading that afternoon and went straight through, finishing the next morning. Although it would have been nice to read it more slowly to postpone the inevitable conclusion of the series, I could not stop until I had learned the fate of each of the characters! :)
Amie Kaufman: The Book Thief, Markus Zusak

I nearly finished it on my train ride home, and couldn't bring myself to drive home from the station without getting to the end. So I sat on the platform (in the freezing cold) crying and reading. A lady came along and leaned down to check I was okay, saw the cover, nodded, patted my shoulder, and went on her way. What an amazing book.
Vanessa Di Gregorio: The Thief, Megan Whalen Turner

I first read this book as a teen still living at home with my parents (and 4 brothers!). I remember being SO ENGROSSED (and I was just at the beginning!) that when my Mom called us all for dinner, I ended up bringing the book with me to the dinner table. I ignored my entire family, eating as fast as I could, before running back up to my room with that book still in hand. I kept telling myself, "just ONE more chapter". At 2 am, my Dad peeked into my room to see me STILL reading and told me to go to sleep - to which I responded, "just one more chapter!" - only to finally put the book down at 4 in the morning. I didn't even FEEL tired. And it's not even a long book - but I'm the type of reader who likes to take her time reading.
So these are some of our all-in-one-sitting reads, and now we'd like to hear from you! What books have you read that you finished all in one gulp?
Rachel Seigel is the Children's/Young Adult Book Buyer at wholesaler S&B Books in Mississauga, Ontario. She also maintains a personal blog at and can be found on Twitter as @rachelnseigel.