Pets of Pub Crawl

Vanessa Di Gregorio

Happy Friday all! If you happen to follow me on Twitter, you might have noticed that my tweets as of late have been mostly photos. Of my puppy.
Which, of course, got me to thinking: How many other cute pets do us Pub Crawl gals have? Answer: A LOT*. And they're all ridiculously cute! And since it's Friday, showing off the adorableness that is the Pets of Pub Crawl is probably the perfect way to start the weekend, right?
Koda - Vanessa's Siberian Husky
First up is my puppy, Koda! She's hyper, super playful, and way too friendly (no, seriously - she just wants to greet everyone!). She's also got a bit of a stubborn side.

Jack - Amie's Rescue!
Amie: "Here is Jack, our beautiful rescue dog! We think he's probably a whippet x labrador with a little kelpie. He sure runs like he's related to a greyhound.
In [the first picture], he is sitting on the couch where he is NOT meant to be, and wondering if looking sufficiently cute will stop us kicking him off. (It kind of did.)"

Annabel Lee: Sarah's Mutt Sarah: "Here's Annabel Lee (AKA Annie), my 2 1/2 year old mutt. We *think* she's a mix of dachshund, jack russel, and black lab, but don't know for sure. The only thing we're certain of is the fact that she's 100% Trouble. ;)"

Bertie - Leigh's Schnoodle!
Leigh: "No one is going to believe this, but this pic WAS NOT POSED. Even crazier? I had just gotten my first check from Macmillan. I opened it up and Bertie leapt onto the bed and got to work."

Nani and Koa: Marie's Corgis
Marie: "Here are my two Pembroke Welsh Corgis, Nani (girl) and Koa (boy). I have to deal with these faces every day. *sighs* *gives them all the things*"

Asimov, Princess Leia, Mowgli, and Duma : Sooz's Gang
Sooz: "Here are my constant companions, whether I want them or not.
Asimov, the Irish setter. Princess Leia, the scruffy terrier mutt. Mowgli, the stupidest tabby in the world. Duma, the grumpiest feline since Garfield."

Todd and Kippy: Jodi's Cuties!
Jodi: "Here we have Todd playing in bits of Asunder, and Kippy pulling her usual 'Pleeeease pet me. No one ever pets me.'"

Bounty: Rachel's Adorable Dog
Rachel: "Attached is a picture of Bounty- so named for the paper towel, not for Bounty Hunter. ;-) We figured it suited him because he's able to pick stuff (food mainly) off the ground before we even have any idea what he's gotten!"

Udon and Tuxedo: JJ's roommate's Chihuahua, and her family's Shih Tzu/Cocker Spaniel Mix
JJ: "The dog I currently live with is Udon, my roommate's chihuahua. He's pretty sweet-tempered and cuddly, but MAGNIFICENTLY retarded. He's cute though.
My parents also have a dog named Tuxedo, who, unlike Udon, is sly and cunning. (But also good-natured and loving.) Tux is cute and knows it, and has a lot of (unsurprising) human mannerisms because we don't treat him like a dog; we treat him like a human. (Bad us, I know.) He's a Shih Tzu and cocker spaniel mix."

Sparkles and Glitter: Mandy's Puppy
Mandy: "It's not a great picture, but here is my office mate, Sparkles and Glitter. She's a 3 month old German Shorthair Pointer. Right now she's racing around with a squeaky toy and just yanked the power cord out of my laptop on accident. fun times."

Sadie: Erin's Occasional Muse
Erin: "We don't have a dog...yet. :(
But we were watching Rob's parents' until mid July! See my current writing partner and creative muse attached :)"
I know, I know. Cuteness OVERLOAD, right? It's the best kind.
If you want to share photos of your awesome pets, post it on our Facebook page!
* Not to be confused with the Alot. Though in my mind, the alot is an honorary Pub Crawl pet!
Vanessa Di Gregorio works in publishing as a sales rep at Ampersand, a book and gift sales agency. She is also a former literary agency intern. When she isn't out selling books and talking to bookstores, Vanessa can be found over at Something Geeky, Goodreads, Twitter, or writing for Paper Droids.